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User-friendly financial model to compute, compare and conduct analysis on the financial ratios of up to 5 companies and across 4 years in an intuitive dashboard containing output tables and charts.

The model calculates 23 financial ratios spit across profitability, liquidity, efficiency, leverage and valuation ratios using income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement inputs for each of the timeline years and comparison companies.   


The model follows good practice financial modelling principles and includes instructions, checks and input validations.





The key outputs include:

  • Key financial metrics for each comparison company
  • 23 Financial ratios by year and by company split into profitability ratios, efficiency ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios and valuation ratios.
  • Charts presenting the financial ratios





Inputs are split into Setup inputs, and financials inputs:


Setup Inputs:

  • Name of financial ratio exercise;
  • Date of financial ratio exercise;
  • Currency;
  • Latest financial period and whether timeline includes a forecast year;
  • Units for financial inputs (eg thousands or millions or nil)
  • Name of comparative companies


Financials Inputs:

  • Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow inputs for past 3 or 4 years and forecast year if applicable;
  • Latest market capitalisation if available;
  • Latest price per share if available.





The model comprises of 5 tabs split into input ('i_'), output ('o_’) and system tabs. The tabs to be populated by the user are the input tabs which include ‘i_Setup’ for dashboard setup inputs including companies and timeline and ‘i_financials’, for income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement inputs for each comparison company. The resulting financial ratio and key metrics outputs are presented in the ‘o_Dashboard’ tab.


System tabs include:

  • A 'Front Sheet' containing a disclaimer, instructions and contents;
  • A checks dashboard containing a summary of checks by tab.





Other key features of this model include the following:

  • The model follows good practice financial modelling guidelines and includes instructions, checks and input validations to help ensure input fields are populated accurately;
  • The model includes a 4 year timeline for financials one of which can consist of a forecast year depending on user selection in i_setup tab.
  • The model includes the possibility to compare up to 5 companies
  • The model is not password protected and can be modified as required following download;
  • The model is reviewed using specialised model audit software to help reduce risk of formula inconsistencies;
  • Exercise names, currency, comparison timeline and comparison companies are fully customisable;
  • The model includes a checks dashboard which summarises all the checks included in the various tabs making it easier to identify any errors.





If you require any be-spoke modifications or support, we are more than happy to assist. Please send us a message below or contact us on

Financial Ratio Analysis & Comparison Excel Dashboard Models


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